Welcome to The Julu Series

Welcome to the Julu series blog. I will be posting information on Author Signing events, Giveaways, personal thoughts and reflections, along with "Character Interviews' and information about 'Jirvania' ~ Book Two in the Julu series.

Writing and publishing "Julu" has been a fantastic experience. I woke in the middle of the night a few years ago, with the words, "Julu ~ write her story" running through my head. I got up, wrote down the name and went back to sleep. In the morning, I remember asking myself, "Who is Julu?"

I've always loved to write, so I sat down a few days later and began to outline some ideas that came into my head. Now, anyone who's ever written a novel knows, characters have this remarkable way of taking over a story and running with it, and that's exactly what the early Julu characters did.
When I'm writing chapters in the Julu series, it's more like watching the scenes unfold and writing down what I see happening. If I get something wrong, they let me know in no uncertain terms.

One of my favorite blog topics and something that also gives me incredible insight into how my character tick, is doing "Character Interviews." I hope you will enjoy reading these 'interviews' between myself, and the different characters in 'Julu.'

For anyone not familiar with this book, I am including the book 'blurb' from the back cover below:


"There is a magical land just beyond our imaginations called Jirvania; where stories grow. Muse faeries harvest these 'pearls' and bring them to our world. In the heart of Jirvania, stands The Great Library, home of every book ever written, and a portal to other times and places where one can step into stories and experience them first hand. Homework has never been such fun.
When young Jack Lemoine finds an opal dragon egg in Mystic, Connecticut, he soon discovers the real world is not what he thought. Dragons, unicorns, and faeries do exist. Unfortunately, so do witches, ogres, and other monsters, and they want Jack dead, yesterday. 
A prophecy is written in the stars that he will one day save Jirvania, but evil forces find a way to disrupt time itself, and Jirvania is annihilated, seven years before Jack comes of age.
Imagination ceases to exist. Libraries crumble, art disappears, and theme parks vanish. Music dies. Our lives become empty and meaningless.
Imprisoned on Muse Mountain, Jirvania's lone survivor, Karel, receives a visitor from the stars above, urging him to change the story.
Meanwhile, back in Mystic, Jack and his friend, Mia are thrown into a fantastical adventure when Julu, the opal dragon hatches to protect them, taking them back in time to fix what once went wrong.
The children soon learn that family, friendship, and love are the threads that bind us together, no matter who or what we are and hope is found in the most unexpected places.
Now Jack must figure out how to help Karel change the story and save our imaginations before it's too late."


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